Aikido and Hapkido of Hendersonville
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Aikido/Hapkido of Hendersonville 15TH anniversary seminar July 12-13. Guest instructors will be
Dan Palmer, Shidoin, 5th dan Aikido and
Grandmaster Richard Hackworth, founder of Haemukwan Hapkido and international director of the Korean Martial Arts Instructors Association. This will be a very special seminar and is open to practitioners of all martial arts.
Coming up in August The Traditional Martial Arts Center will be holding it's annual retreat. Last year was incredible and this year will be even better. Schedule these two events for the upcoming months. You don't want to miss them. 
Yamada Sensei is coming to Asheville for their 20th anniversary seminar September 27-28. There will be Dan testing for Asheville and Hendersonville students. This is also a don't miss event.
For details on these or other events contact us at or call 828-388-0635

Click on the link below for directions.


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